Friday, June 3, 2011

Android App Marketing: Considering Other Markets

Making money, even enough to cover the cost of developing and designing apps for the Android OS is important. As such, developers should be constantly on the lookout for new markets to sell their applications. The Amazon store is one market that is likely to keep expanding for a while.

If you want to make money with your Android Apps why not consider other markets besides the Android Market. While the Android Market may be the biggest it also has the most competition as well. Other Appstore's such as Amazon, Verizon, App Licenser and more have less competition and a higher probability that your app will get noticed.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Basic Tips on Marketing Your Android Apps

Here are some tips on marketing your mobile apps.

Create a Social Network:

It’s important that users have a way to easily share your app with their friends via Facebook or Twitter. I suggest making a list of all the big fan pages related to your app and looking for Power Twitter users and asking them to tweet or post about your app.

App Ratings is the Key...

During our promotions for our clients we noticed that apps that had no or poor ratings performed significantly worse than apps with excellent ratings. One way a developer can improve their rankings is by using services such as...

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